Ok, this is a bit weird.... I've lured my husband into posting his views on design and interiors from time to time on my blog, under the pseudonym The Husband. I'm yet not sure how this will turn out, but I know he is in the progress of preparing his first post for you...
I have, over a period of time, noticed how few men there are blogging about design and interiors. I love our predominantly female blog community, but I think it would be refreshing to see things from a male perspective. My husband is a typical man's man, and macho by default (Definition 2) but still he definitly has his say, and takes interest in the interior of our house. Other than that I'm not quite sure about his views on design, as this is not a common topic in our house, so this is quite interesting, and also a bit nerve wrecking for me ;-)
Until then please visit my sweet friends The Bedlam of Beefy and Sweet Paul for a male perspective on design.