House Beautiful
Tired of everything new and soulless the Cabinet of Curiousities is getting its reinessance. Popular in the 16th and 17th century Cabinets of Curiosities were rooms or furnitures hosting private collections of natural science, geology, religious relics etc for the rich and/or eccentric. They were regarded as a theatre of the world, and were also seen as symbol of the collector’s power and knowledge of the items in this micro world. One collector, Samuel Quiccheberg said: "The ideal collection should be nothing less than a theatre of the universe...keys to the whole of knowledge...."
Domino Magazine
IDI are predicting the cabinet of curiositis as one of the major themes for 2008. They have called the trend Alchemy, and it’s all about escaping from reality, and replacing it with something wonderful based on old world beliefs, and new fantasies.
Bonnier de la Mosson's Second Cabinet of Natural History
Good news for me with my attic of oddities ;-) After photographing my crocodile the other day I actually left it for display, and I think it actually looks quite good ;-) Gotta come up with a name for him ;-)! Several of the items in our attic actually stems from a Cabinet of Curiosities, a large glass monter, in our living room were my grandfather arranged his finds from various travels.
Domino Magazine
A Cabinet of Curiousities does not have to be traditional, or contain valuables, its the feeling of wonder, science, mystery and discovery that will make it work! Think back to those childhood trips to the Natural History museum ;-) or make curiosities out of things you already have ...after all not even the Reinessance people had access to Unicorn horns. Make it yours, and blend it with your own style, after all these collections were private and curated by the collectors themselfes!
Fredrik Ruyschnyam