Photos by me
Poppins of Poppins Tragard challenged me to show you the Best and the Pest of my home. I actually love this challenge as I have much of both ;-)
The Best of my home is the attic! Living in my grandparents old house ment that we was stuck with a lifetime of collected items that nobody wanted ... several container loads was given away to the fleamarket, but I still have a treasure trove of wonderful things (and not so wonderful things)up there! Quite often I'll go on a treasure hunt, in my own attick, finding beautiful items I've never seen before. My favourite finds so far are ; my coral, and shell collection, several old porcelaine dinner and coffe sets, one coffe table, one side table, a collection of olde ebony and ivory figurines and a crocodile.
Now to the not so pleasant part.....the Pest of my house .... well its quite a lot living in an old house but the worsth is the upstairs bathroom! In order to not ruin my blog completly I've just added a picture of the ceiling .... its awful!! And the rest of the room is kind of in the same state. I must admit I never allow people to enter that room, and we do not use it either ...apart for my husband who have done some "decorating" there, hanging up posters from different Metal bands, and some Calendar girls... I must say that really impoved it *hihi*
I'm passing the challenge on to some people that surley must have Pest free homes, but lets see what comes out of their closets !:
The Beedlam of Beefy, Patricia Grey, Studio da Lu, Karna and Decor Amor .
The rules are; Link to the person who tagged you (So we can follow the trail), show us the Best and the Pest of your home, and pass on the challenge to 5 others!