Yesterday my computer kind of died :-( Suddenly nothing worked, and on restart I just got that blue screen telling me that something is seriously wrong ....and that by now its too late to back up your files if you are stupid enough not to do that on a regular basis ...... Ofcourse beeing a busy girl, with endless faith in technology this is something I never do......I know I should but it is sooo boring! Even more boring ofcourse is the fact that I've now lost all my favourites that I've spent months to collect (No I'm not using bloglines, or Google links or anyhing smart like that....)my photos (No backup of those either ...just a few in Flickr) all my installed programs (No not keeping them on a separate harddrive) and all my planned blog posts (grhmph) so today I've got nothing for you .....except this really fun and quirky Duck Feet lamp I found when trying to retrace my links. Its from Porta Romana and their collectionis seriously neat!